My Second Week of IVF

Week two of IVF is much more intense. I’m in a little more pain now than I was earlier in the week, I feel like I’m always cramping and everyday the feeling gets just a little worse. Today in particular is very painful. It’s all in my lower stomach too, so it makes bending over a little more difficult now. I finally have a couple of bruises from these injections on my stomach, who doesn’t love that. However, I don’t have nearly as many as some other women, so I should be thankful for that. I do have some nice bruises that have formed one my arms now, from where I get blood taken almost everyday now.

It was nice having the weekend so I didn’t have to go to the doctor. It gets a little old having a vaginal ultrasound and blood work everyday, you know what I mean? However, after the weekend was over, it’s back to the doctor every other day. Today though…he finally said he thinks my eggs are big enough to go ahead with the retrieval.

The further into this we get, the closer we are to the egg retrieval, which means we are closer to the egg transfer which means we are closer to knowing if and when we will become parents. No big deal. I’m trying not to get all my hopes on this first go round. The doctor has warned us that it could take a few tries for it to finally happen. On average, he says, it takes 2 1/2 cycles for the pregnancy to stick successfully. So I know the possibility that I might need to go through all of this again but still, fingers crossed.

The next step in this process is getting my trigger shot. Right now, one of the shots they have me taking stops me from ovulating. So this trigger shot will allow me to ovulate again with a time limit of 36 hours to get back to the hospital and get these eggs out. You have to do this shot at the exact moment the doctor tells you or you run the risk of all the eggs dropping without him being there to get them. Which we absolutely don’t want because then it means we wasted all this time and money and will need to do it again. So….no pressure. I’m terrified that something like that will happen. So I’m making every effort to make sure we do this right the first time.

Next up: trigger shot/egg retrieval.

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