IVF Update

img_0954So it’s been a few weeks since my egg retrieval, and a week and a half since we learned how many viable embryos we have. I’m still waiting to hear back from the genetic counselor to see how our eggs were graded but in the meantime, I am preparing for my 2nd polyp removal surgery – aka a Hysteroscopy. This is where the doctor goes in and removes those polyps growing in my uterus (which obviously, they shouldn’t be). He thinks it’s because my body is producing too much estrogen naturally so I’m currently taking birth control (which reduces the amount and also means he can control my cycle).

So we are currently waiting for this surgery to happen and once that’s done, we will be able to schedule my egg transfer. As I mentioned in a post about what to expect from IVF, it’s a lot of waiting. Waiting for a certain time in my cycle, waiting to get results back, waiting for the doctor to be ready, etc. I feel a lot better than I did before because we’re already halfway there now. I feel more accomplished than I did before, like I’m actually doing something. Closer to where I want to be.

Hoping we hear back from the genetic counselor sometime early next week!

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